The new social network

It is unquestionable that society has changed after COVID-19. Changes are profound, structures are altered. Anything that is superfluous or can be left for another moment is ignored. The essential is the focus. Life was and is still being rethought.

All consumption has changed

The new social network

Thus, comes the consumption of products, content, services and arguments. Social dynamics, often based on appearances, now seek truth. Empathy went beyond the affinity for available satisfaction, it is for the deep connection with values. And I’m talking about connections with brands, not just people. Brands and their products must realize that the relationship with their audiences is no longer limited to meeting their desires and selling. Thus, online social networks are now showcases of feelings. People access it to get involved and engage. Not to undergo pressure to purchase. Brands should view their audiences with more sympathy. Whoever manages to generate information and influence offers support to the moment and not talking about their products.

More content

There is more content and less advertising. These are values and not product details. Even conceptual brand campaigns should work not only on superfluous promises and projections, but above all on well-being, even better if it is collective. The new social network is felt as a community as it is not possible to have the same contact and exchange as before. Everyone is confined, dominated by fear and uncertainty. This is the opportunity for brands to assume their role in society as motivators of new attitudes and transform the bad things, like a pandemic, into restructuring of what matters within the consumer market.

Author: Renata Dembogurski